The street food in many Asian countries has been discovered to be very appealing, tasty, healthy in most cases, and very affordable. For those who may have never had a chance to experience real street for from any Asian country, EatSleepAsian.com is a fan-based portal for the official Eat Sleep Yangon team.

Yangon is a City in Myanmar and the abondance of great street foods and five star meals are plentiful due the many available food stalls, open carts, and various hole in the wall places throughout Yangon. Open barbecue is among the favorites for the locals and tourist alike. The various food dishes at very affordable prices coupled with a chance to socialize and interact with locals lays out an exciting and satisfying adventure every day or night.

Just as in most Asian countries the variety of great food and accommodations in Yangon meets the smell taste with a five-star rating in our book. Stemming from the exquisite flavors and tase of Burmese food, the demographic diversity of this very enticing and rewarding cuisine and make an electrifying experience that a firm balance (we call fusion) of sweet and sour flavors, and sometimes salty food are commonly bonded by Chinese and Thai food with great Indian influences that always provides a distinct and different taste that satisfied the pallet with pleasure that transcends some into a new comfort food list.

The Eat Sleep Yangon official team has and continues to document very informative short (ten minutes or less) video blogs The EatSleepYangon.com online portal has been created to compliment these online videos and help the viewing population of these fine videos that showcase the various fine cuisine street food dished that are very affordable.