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$10 1st Street 2 part series 3rd Street 5 Star Hotels 5th Year Anniversary 7th street 9th Street 11th Street 12th Street 14th Street 15th Street 17th Street 18th Street 19th Street 20th Street 21st Street 25th Street 27th Street 28th street 29th Street 30 cents 30th Street 32nd Street 36th Street 37th Stree 37th Street 38th Street 39th Street 40th Street 40th ward 42nd Street 46th Street 47th Street 48th Street 49th Street 50th Street 66 Cafe 92nd Street 121st Street 122nd street 126th Street 155 Street 155th Street 2025 AI AI-crafted clips AI-generated AI image AI technology Akayar tea shop alcoholic specialty Alex Alice alley alleys Amanda Anawrahta Cruise company Anawrahta road Anawrahta Street ancient city and J Jay Anglo-Burmese War animals animating with AI anime anniversary antiques shop Aoi San Aoi San and Green Aoi San and Lily Aoi San and Sandi Aoi San and Sweety Aoi San and Yoon Aoi San narration apartment block Apartments Arab hotels Arab restaurants archery architecture Aries Cafe Artawka Street Art Cafe artificial lake artisanal ice cream artists Asian Smile Hotel Asok Asoke Pier Asok Montri Road Athawka road Atlas Rooftop Bar audition Aung Taw Mu Street Aung Taw My Street Aung Tay Za Street Aung Zay Ya Aung Zay Ya Street avocado juice axes Ayar Garden restaurant Ayeyarwady region bacon Bagan Bagaya road Bagaya Street Bago Baho road baked beans bakery Bangkae Fresh Market Bangkok Bangkok's Chinatown Bangkok University Bang Wa BaobaBed Hostel Baoba Bed Mandalay Baobabed rooftop bar Barbecue barbecued meats bar food Barli Juice bars bars in Bangkok and Yangon bartender battle Bawamyint Bayint Naung Street Bayintnaung Street Bazar market BBQ BBQ restaurant Beachside bean roti Beauty of Burma Beauty Queen beer Bespoke Fashion best and worst Best Place to Live in Yangon Best Western Chinatown Hotel BKK BKK market Blind Tiger Bar blooming season blooming trees boat noodles Boat Noodle Stand Bo Aung Kyaw Sein Gay Har Bo Aung Kyaw Street Bogalay Zay Bogalayzay Market Street Bogyoke Aung San road Bo Gyoke Market Bogyoke market Bo Gyoke road Bogyoke Road Bo Lat Yar Street booksellers Boozer G Bar Boris Johnson Bo Soon Pat Street Botahtaung pier Bo Tayza Street Bo Yar Nyunt road Brazilian specialty Brazilian street food stand bread shop breakfast breakfast and milk Breakfast in Yangon Bridesmaid British-colonial opulence British colonial buildings British colonization British Pubs Bubble Tea shop Buddhist Lent Buddhist sites buffet burma Burmese architecture Burmese Beauty Queen Burmese breakfast Burmese City Burmese cocktail Burmese Couple snacks Burmese Dance Burmese desserts Burmese eatery Burmese Embassy Burmese Food Burmese food court Burmese foods Burmese gem trade Burmese Girl Burmese history Burmese holiday Burmese host Burmese housing area Burmese ice cream Burmese jam Burmese lunch Burmese Miss World contestant Burmese Models Burmese national dish Burmese noodle Burmese noodles Burmese Pancake Burmese pan cakes Burmese pancakes Burmese Papaya salad Burmese pudding Burmese restaurant Burmese rock chick Burmese salad Burmese salads Burmese society Burmese street food Burmese Street Foods Burmese Super Hotel Burmese sweet dessert Burmese tea Burmese temple Burmese Village Burmese wholesale market Burmese Women Bus bus journey buskers Bus Stop bustling Bu Tar Yone road Butterfly Snack Byain Yay Oh Sin Street Cafe Cafes campus canal boat Candle Making Factory Canteen car park Carpenters Car Ride catwalk Central Bangkok Central Boulevard Central Park Central Plinth Centralworld mall Central Yangon challenge Chan charcoal noodles charity donations charity event Chatrium Hotel Chatuchak Chatuchak Market Chatuchak Park Chaukhtatgyi Pagoda Chaung Thar Beach Chaung Tha Thiri Hotel Chaw Chaw and Myat Noe cheap beer cheapest hotels chefs Chel chic boutiques chic cafes chicken feet salad Chicken KwayTeow chicken on a stick chicken skin salad chicken sticks Chickin Coop childhood favorite snacks childhood neighborhood Children's Play Area Chinatown Chinese eatery Chinese influence Chinese New Year Chinese restaurant Chit Maung Road Christmas in Yangon Christmas market Chue circular trains CityWalk Foodies CityWalkFoodies classic Gangster snack classic rice dish claw machine clothes shop cobbler cocktail cocktail making cocktails Coconut Milk Noodles coconut noodles coconuts coffee coffee date coffee shop coin colonial-era architecture colonial architecture colonial buildings colorful flowers communal rest area Competition Condo Condominium condos convenience store coq au vin corn salad Cost of Living in Yangon countdown country life countryside countryside restaurant Covid 19 lockdown cow-herding Cows crawl crepe-style pancake Cruise culinary journey cultural treasures curries Curry Dagon centre Dagon Centre 2 Dagon Centre Shopping Mall daily life Dala Township Dama Seindar Street Dam project darts decline of its monarchy deep-fried deep-fried frog deep-fried gourd deep-fried meats deep-fried mouse deep-fried snacks deep fried dumpling Dhamaryone road Dhammayone Street diamonds dining Dinner dinner date Dinner Tour discreet car parking District Coffee Shop DIY drinks Do's and Don'ts donate rice and money Downtown Yangon dresses drives Driving drug trade EainGyi Street Eaint eat and sleep eateries eatery eating champion eating contest EatSleepYangon EatSleepYangon channel EatSleepYangon Youtube channel Egg Roti Electricians Elena elf Emerald Emmie English breakfas English pub Enoki Mushroom Salad Espedaro Lake View Hotel ESY girls ethnic cuisine evening market exercise area exotic fruits exotic pets experienced grandmothers Falooda Family family neighborhood farm farmer farming fashion fashion boutiques fashion destination fashion shops fashion trends favorite street foods Feeding Fish Ferry final video fish cake fish grilled in a banana leaf flame grilled steaks Flat Noodle Dish flea market flipping a coin on a map flower market Flowers food court food culture food delivery service food eateries Food Market food stall Food Stalls Food Stands food tour Footballing skills foreign families Fortune Plaza fragrant herbs free meals French bistro French cuisine French Fries fresh bread fresh fruit stalls fresh markets fresh mart fresh meat fresh vegetables Fried Bananas fried chicken fried chicken shop fried rice frog legs fruit salad fruit seller full of life fun fair Fun Girl Fushan Temple Gabar Aye Bus Stop Gallery Cafe game of chance Gangster Snack gangster snacks garden Garden City Garden City of the East Garden restaurant garlic oil noodle dish gated communities Gems gem traders Gigi Girl from the Block glamorous catwalks Glamorous Girl Golden City Golden City Condominium Golden Palace Golden Yadana Hotel Gotlit graduation graffiti room graffiti wall grand architecture Grand Vista Hotel Gravity Bar Green Green and Sweety greenery Guay Tiew Guo gym Ham Hanna hawkers heart of Downtown heavy rain high-heeled boots high-wall mansions High School highway adventure historical buildings historical places historical quarter historic architecture historic buildings historic landmarks Hlaing Main Road Hlaing township Hledan Hledan area Hledan Centre Hledan Centre Mall Hledan Market Hledan Street Hledan township Hledan Train Station Hnin Myat Sandi Hnin Pyae holiest site homemade yogurt hometown Honey hostels Hosts hosts go live hosts on the EatSleepYangon hot chocolate Hotel Hotel Bago Hotel bungalow Hotel Grand Vista hotels Hot Springs Spa housing housing area Htan Ta Pin Street Hti Cafe human claw ice cream ice cream cake ice cream seller ice cream treat Ice Salad idyllic wells IKEA Indian chicken curry Indian cuisine Indian Curry shop Indian decorations Indian Dosa Indian food Indian market Indian restaurant Indian Street Indian street foods Indian tea Indian treat India style Steam Rice India town Ingyin Street Inno City Innwa Insein road interview interviews Inya Lake Irish Pubs Irrawaddy river Isarn sausage Islamic community Jacuzzis Jana Japan Bridge Japanese citizen Japanese cuisine Japanese Food Japanese Izakayas Japanese restaurant Japanese shop Japanese specialties Japanese Takoyaki Jas Jasmine Jatujak Plaza J Donut shop Jewellery mall Jewelry Jewelry Mall Journey with Elena Jue Junction City mall Junction Mawtin Junction Mawtin mall Junction Square Junction Square mall Junction Zawana junction Zuwana K Kabar Kabaraye Gamone Pwint Kabar Aye Road Kachin food Kachin traditional foods Kakurega Kawasemi Kalayar Kamarkyi Road Kamaryut Township Kamayut Kanbae Kanbae Towers Kanbawza Hinthar Kanbe Station Kandawgyi Park Kan Road Kan Tar Yar Shopping Centre Kan Thar Yar Shopping Mall Karaweik Garden Karaweik Garden car park Katana sword KFC Khal Khao San Road in Bangkok Khine Thazon Street Khun Sa kiwi soda Konbaung Dynasty Konzedan Street Korean BBQ Korean corn dog Korean fishcakes Korean Hanbok Korean meal Korean restaurant Korean traditional clothes Korea street food KunChan Street Kuthodaw Pagoda Kyaik Kassan Road Kyaik Pun Pagoda Kyansit Tar Road Kyan Sit Thar Street Kyarkwatthit Kyarkwatthit road Kyarkwatthit Street Kyar Kwat Thit Street Kyar San Chat Kyauk Myaung Kyauk Myaung Bus Stop Kyauk Myaung township Kyauk Taw Street Kyay Oh Kyee Myin Daing Kyi Myint Dine Night Market Kyung Taw Kyang Street Kyun Taw Road lake landmark landmarks Latha Township Lay Daung Kan Lay Daung Kan Main Road Lay Daung Kan Street leaving Yangon Lemon lighthouses Lighting Festival of Myanmar Lily Lily and Eaint Lily and Green Link hotel Lin Latt Linn Collection Linn Collection Models Linn Yaung Little Area of Yangon Little India Live Living Conditions lizards Local Pub local restaurants Lotteria Love Boat Lover's Lane LPancake lady Lumpini Park lunch luxurious fusion Luxury Hotel LYFE Coffee shop magnificent Kandawgyi Maha Bandula Maha Bandula Park Maha Bandula Park Street Maha Bandula Road Mahar Bawga Mahar Bawga Street makeshift street MaKyiKyee Street Mala Cafe Mala dish Mala pork rib noodle Mala Xian Gao Malaysia-style noodles Ma Li Kha Housing mall Mandalay Mandalay City Mandalay Hill Mandalay market Mandalay noodles Mandalay noodle salad Mandalay Rooftop Bar Mandalay Tea Leaf Salad Marc Shortt market markets market tour Marrying Foreigners massage shops MasterChef Mat Gin Street Matgin Street Ma U Kone Street MaUPin Street MaUuKone Street May Mayangone Township May Chan May Nu meat balls meat skewers meats on a stick Merchant Road M Foodcourt Miba Mitta Street midday Milk Spa Mingalar Taung Nyunt Mingalartaung Nyunt Area Min Street Min Ye Kyaw Swar Min Ye Kyaw Swar Road Miss Universe finalist Miss Universe hopeful Miss World Miss World Audition Miss World beauty Pageant Miss World Myanmar Miss World Myanmar contestant mixology Miya Miya and Sandi modelled modern condominium Mogaung Pagoda Mogaung Pagoda road mohinga montage of gorgeous Burmese girls monuments Moon Morning most famous Youtubers mouth full Mr. Tayuka M Tower Myanmar Myanmar Plaza Mall Myanmar Port Authority Myanmar shops Myat Myat Noe Myaung Gyi Street Myaung Mya Mya Yamone Housing Myay Ni Gone Myaynigone Myaynigone City Mart Myay Ni Gone Township Myeik Road Myit Tar Road Myittar road market My Place My Style Channel nail care nail salon Nandawon market Nandawun Sedi Street Nang Chue NanGyi Salad national dish nationalism National Village nature Naw Nawaday Street neighborhood new life in Singapore Ngamoeyate Nga Moe Yeik 5th Street Ngwe Pearl Street Ngwe Saung Beach night nightlife nightlife area nightlife bars nightlife spot Night Market night markets night time nighttime crowd night venues Ni Gyaw Da Road Nimit No 1 Industrial Road noodle dish noodles noodle shop North Dagon North Dagon township Nyay Ni Gone Street Oishii Sushi restaurant OKKALAPA old colonial buildings one last time orange juice organic farm ornate decorations outfits owned by Burmese people Padaytha Yazar road Padonmar Street Pagoda pagodas Paintings Palm Juice palm wine Pancake Stand Pansodan Pansodan Road Pansodan Scene Art Cafe Pansodan Street Pan Yate Street Papaya Papaya salad paradise Parami Road Paratha park Pat street Pattaya beach Pazundaung area Pazundaung Township Pazuntaung Pazuntaung Point peanuts Pearl Condominium Pegu Pegu Club Pel Pel People's Park People's Square perfume PhayarLan Phetchaburi Soi 22 Phetkaseam Road Phi Khaing Nhar PhoneGyi Street Phoo Phyoe Phyu Chaung Weir Phyu township Picnic picnics Picturesque U Bein Bridge Pier 21 Pig's Eye. pigeons Pineapple Juice Pineapple salad Pin Lone Residence Pizza place of worship Plant House Cafe Platinum Mall Platinum Ten Mile Hotel ploughing pool poor poor neighborhood popular model Porksticks pork stick stand Post Office Poverty in Myanmar Pratunam area Pratunam market precious gems pretzels Prime Minister of the UK Princess Sirindhorn from Thailand professional dancer pub quiz Puri Pyae Pyae Thet Pyi Thar Yar Pyi Yate Mon Housing Area Queen Queen Supayalat Quiz Master railroad tracks rain raining day rainy rainy season rainy street market Rakhine Rakhine food Rakhine Mont Di Rakhine Mote Ti Rakhine papaya salad Rakhine restaurant Rakhine tradition Rakhine Traditional Food Ratchawong road REAL Downtown reclining Buddha Red Cross charity relaxation place relaxes renovated apartment rent reservoir Resort restaurant Restaurants RIA Hotel rice and curry rice basket rice farmer Rice House rice noodle salad rice salad rice tea leaf salad rich and poor rich neighborhood Riverfront rivers buses River View Resort Road markets road trip road trip home Rolex watch Rommaninat Park rooftop Rooftop Bar Room Tour Rose Rose and Icecy Rose Garden Hotel Rose Palace Hotel Roti royal elegance rubies Ruby Street rural area rural Myanmar rural village Sa Ba Street Food Tours Saen Saeb Canal Sailing Saint Louis BTS station Sakura tower salad samosas samosa salad San Chaung Sanchaung Sanchaung Hotel Sanchaung Road Sanchaung township San Chaung Township Sandar Sandi San La San Pya San Pya 3rd Street San Pya Evening Market San Pya General Hospital San Pya market San Yeik Nyein sapphires Sara sashimi sausage and eggs Sayarsan Road Saya San Road Scion hotel Secretariat Secretariat's Park Secretariat building Secretariat Yangon Secret Garden Sedona Hotel Sedona Hotel in Yangon Seikkanthar Road Seik Kan Thar Street Seiktathuka Street Sein Gay Har Seint Senafest mall Shan cuisine Shanghai restaurant Shan Kitchen Shan meal Shan Noodles Shan Noodle shop Shan people Shan Tofu Shan Traditional Cold Noodle Shan traditional food Shan Yoe Yar Shan Yoe Yar restaurant Sharkys restaurants Shary shaved ice salad Shoon Shopping Center shopping centers Shopping Mall shops short pink dress Showcase Shwe Bhone Pwint Pagoda Shwe Bhone Pwint Pagoda Street Shwe Bon Thar road Shwe Bon Tha Street Shwe Dagon Pagoda Shwedagon Pagoda Shwe Hostel Shwe Pa Zune Bakery Shwe Yee Hotel Siam Mall Siam Paragon Food Court Siam Square Sidney Hotel Silom Soi 3 singer Sin Ma Lite Market Sint Ohn Tan Latha Sint Oh Tan Street Slum small alleys Smile smoothie snack lady snacks snails socialize Soi 13 Soi 16 Soi 33/1 Soi Arab Soi Phetchaburi 30 Solic Sook Siam market sour Shan rice South Race Course Street sowing rice seedlings special place spiciest food spicy and sweet spicy chicken skin salad Spicy foods Spicy Fried Chicken spicy Papaya salad spicy seafood salads spicy walk spring rolls Star City Star City Golf Course Staycation steak restaurant steamed corn man steamed spring rolls Stella Strand Road Streamed live street art street food street food classics Street food Date Street Food festival organized street food market Street food road street food stalls street food stands street food walk street hawkers street life street market streets foods street singers street vendors student stuffed tofu Su suburban suburbs sugarcane juice sugar cane juice Sukhumvit Soi 3/1 Sukhumvit Soi 8 Sukhumvit Soi 10 Sukhumvit Soi 11 Sukhumvit Soi 12 Sukhumvit Soi 13 Sukhumvit Soi 16 Sukhumvit Soi 19 Sukhumvit Soi 22 Sukhumvit Soi 23 Sukhumvit Soi 42 Sukhumvit Soi 48 Sukhumvit Soi 77 Sule Pagoda Road Sule Square Mall Sule Square Shopping Centre Su Myat Sunny Paradise Beach Resort Sunshine Food Villa sushi Su Won Korea University sweet and sour chicken sweet bubble tea sweet desserts sweetest food sweet Ice salad sweet naan bread Sweet street foods sweet tooth sweet tour sweet treats sweet treat shop Sweety swimming pool Tahti Pathan Street tailor Takaung takoyaki Tamwe Tamwe Bus Stop Tamwe township Ta Pin Shwe Htee Tapin Shwe Htee Tara Tathi Pathan Street Taw Win Taw Win Centre tea teahouse tea house Tea house food tea houses Tea Leaf Salad tea shop tea shops tempura Ten Mile Hotel Terminal 21 mall Thadadar Thadingyut Full Moon Day Thai-style salad Thai dish Thai floating market Thai food Thai heritage museum Thailand Thai traditional food Thamada Cinema Thamane Bayan Street Tha Mar Di Street Thaniya Road Thanlyin Thanthumar Road Thantumar street The Gallery Cafe The Hledan Food Court Thein Nyunt Thein Phyu road Theint Thida road Thida Street Thingangyun ThinGangyun Payar Thingangyun township Thingyan Thingyan Dance Thingyanyun Thin Thazin Thiri Thiri Mingalar Road Thiri Mingalar Street Thonepanhla Tea House thrift market Thu Ka Mane Road Thuka market Thu Khit Tiki Bar Times City TM farm Toad in the Hole toast toddy juice Tofu Tofu salad Top 50 Top 50 ranking Top Model challenge Toungoo Dynasty tourist destinations tourist hotspot tourist visa traditional traditional Burmese clothes traditional Burmese meal traditional Burmese restaurant traditional couples snacks traditional dress traditional house traditional market trendy clothes trendy cocktail bar tribute tropical Bar Trust me Tuk Tuk two Burmese Girls typical housing area U Aung Myat Street U Htun Lin Chan Street Union Bar and Grill University University event Urban Asia Centre U San Nyunt Street U Shwe Ghon road U Shwe Gone Street U Shwe Gwun Street U Tun Lin Chan Road value combo meal Vermicelli soup Vi Vietnamese culture Vietnamese restaurant vintage cafe wafers walkaround walking tour watched closely water festival water fight watermelon juice wealthy Western lifestyle in Yangon West Htantapin Street wet market Whity wholesale nut sellers wood-carving factor working class working class area world's longest teak footbridge World Heritage Site Wyine Xiang Yadanar Di Pa Street Yadanar road Yakun restaurant Yangon Yangon and Bangkok Yangon at night Yangon Great City Hotel Yangon market Yangon Night Market Yangon River Yangon university Yangon versus Bangkok Yangon Zoo Yankin Yankin Centre Yankin Road Yankin Street Yankin township Yan Shin Road Yan Shin Street Yaowarat Yaw Min Gyi Yaw Min Gyi Road Yaw Min Gyi Street Yay Kyaw Market Yay Kyaw road Yaza Drit Road Ye Htut Win Yoghurt yogurt Yoon Yoon and Aoi San Yoon and Phoo Youtube Girl Yuri Yuzana Plaza Zalone Hta Min Zalun road Zawana Junction Zayyarthiri Street Zeyar Thiri Zezawa Street Zoo áo dài